Sunday, October 21, 2007

Loo's Muze............Gagged

Last week I received an email informing me that as a Euro candidate I was not allowed to endorse a candidate. Now, of course, the candidates may well be relieved at this news! The reason myself and other candidates have been thus silenced, is, in my view, a complete misinterpretation of the rule which states that we cannot have any endorsement in our literature from a "known" Lib Dem. I can accept that, not all candidates will have access to such endorsement. What I can't accept is this being interpreted as us not being able to endorse a candidate - guilt allegedly by association. This I can't accept, every single candidate is able to endorse a candidate if they so wish, so no one has an advantage. I am a Lib Dem because I am a liberal........I share the value of freedom of expression and that no-one should be "enslaved by conformity".........I thus find this ruling a tad absurd and illiberal....but am willing to be corrected.

Anyway, I am appealing this decision, but knowing how slowly the appealwheels turn in our party I am not holding my breath or expecting a decision pre 7th November (after which I can say what I like).

Friends and detractors alike will no doubt find it a little odd for me to keep my mouth shut on this really important issue.

I am considering my options, fellow bloggers are invited to vote in my poll..........


Anonymous said...

Don't worry... your endorsement would probably just damage your chosen candidate.

Duncan Borrowman said...

The people inventing these rules need to be taken out and shot.

Anonymous said...

That seems a terrible shame. I'm relying on you telling me who you're backing ... so I can go for the other contender :o)